A few people have asked so here are the Postcode Software details again…
We’re always looking for ways to reduce costs in our business and a different Postcode Data supplier came to our attention. Until now GetBookedUp has only worked with AFD Postcode for the ‘instant addressing’ function in the system. A different supplier contacted us and is offering a data package which does everything GetBookedUp needs at a lower price when compared to the AFD product. As our AFD licences expired we switched over to ensure their data was ‘up to scratch’ and we’re happy to report it certainly is. So, we’ve developed GetBookedUp to work with the new data supplier’s product also.
The annual cost is just £79.00 + VAT per licence, compared to AFD Postcode costing £154.00 + VAT in the first year and renewals around £84.00 + VAT.
You can find a specific page for GetBookedUp Users HERE – Postcode Software You just need the Product “1 licence £79+vat (per year)” option, unless you have multiple PC’s you want to use it on.
You don’t need to do anything in GetBookedUp to make Postcode Search work. Just make sure you download the file into the default location they suggest and GetBookedUp will automatically find it next time you log in.
If you’re not already using the ‘instant addressing’ you really ought to consider it. You can enter just the house number and Postcode and automatically complete the rest of the details. Saves time entering data AND no more misspalt adresssus in your database. The data is in the Royal Mail PAF format, so you can make savings on bulk mailings such as CleanMail, UK Mail and many more. It also means the data is in a format easily exported to Docmail for online print fulfilment services.
Just call if you have any queries about Postcode Search Software, or Docmail.