Make marketing to your existing clients a breeze AND drastically reduce your marketing costs. But more than that, you'll spend far less time in the office doing routine administration with our Professional+ Edition.
This is the Edition most ‘Owner Operators’ and 'Owner & Technician' businesses use.
This powerful, feature packed system will help you grow your business. You’ll spend far less time on routine administration and by using the built in reporting and marketing tools you’ll drastically reduce your marketing spend, GUARANTEED!
The 'Easy Marketing' tools mean you'll quickly be sending targeted mailshots, emails and SMS text messages in just a few clicks. The built in Wordprocessor, email and SMS editors also mean you'll create personalised and mailmerged marketing without the hassle of merging to an external wordprocessor or email server system, making your marketing so easy, hence 'Easy Marketing'.
Collect and use client testimonials and reviews as 'Social Proof'. You'll effortlessly add local testimonials to quotations you produce, giving you more credibility. Use them in mailshots or emails and with an optional plugin you can also send them automatically to your website, displaying them on a Google map that visitors can search too. This also means they might also start to appear on your organic Google listing display, again adding massive credibility to your page.
Plus, you’ll not be ‘on your own’! You'll get telephone support and access to our popular monthly user webinar where we share marketing tips and ideas.
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